Superhuman Project – Day 5

Superhuman Sadhguru Quote

Day 5 of my “Superhuman Project(#SHP), Saturday, 10th Oct 2015: – Woke up with a headache and feeling unusually tired and this lasted throughout morning and afternoon until I went to the pool to train.

Today's takeaways from Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Body book:

  • Schedule at least one cheat meal per week. That encourages you to stick to you strict meal plan 95% of the time or more.
  • Avoid domino foods. Don't eat a cookie here or there because once you start, it's likely to be harder to stop till the whole pack is finished. Don't fool yourself into thinking you can just have one cookie and be done with it.

The 3 F's, Fun, Flow and Flexibility, again helped me squeeze in my freediving practice while playing in the pool with my wife and two boys.

Don't make excuses! Just find a way and make the time if you really want it.

Here's the progress for day 5 of the superhuman project.

Measurements Recorded (on 6th Oct 2015)

*Note: I've decided to take measurements once per week, so the next set of measurements will be on the 12th.

Biceps (Left / Right) – 12 in / 12.2 in

Waist – 35.2 in

Hips – 38.4 in

Thighs (Left / Right) – 20.5 in / 20.5 in

Total Inches – 138.8 inches

*Note: These measurement were done by myself which was kind of tricky is some parts like the biceps, so may not be totally exact.

Superhuman Diet


4 eggs -half-boiled with little soy sauce and pepper.

2 slices of toast – white bread.

1 glass of water + apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) + psyllium husk.

1 glass of water + spirulina powder (1 tsp).


2 portions beef stir fry.

1 cup brown rice.


200g avocado and corn salad.

1 fillet of breaded fried chicken.

1/2 portion of beef stir fry.


300ml can of Oolong tea.

Mid morning – 1 banana.

Mid afternoon – 5 pieces pork gyoza + 75g edamame beans + 1/2 portion deep fried tofu + 1 glass ice lemon tea.

Superhuman Workout

Hatha yoga – Yoga routine focused on opening up ribcage, shoulders, shoulder blades, and hips.

Freediving pool training:

  • Warm up -2 sets, 24 meters each, slow, average about 1:10 min each set.
  • Free immersion – 1st set 36 meters in 1:30 min. 2nd set 48m in 1:48 min. Did a few more sets of 48m in between playing with the kids.
  • Dynamic no fins – 3 sets x 50m, about 1 min each set.
  • Note – All training sets were done with approx. half filled lungs.